Doktor SELFIE Ketika Pesakit Sedang Terkangkang?

Doktor SELFIE Ketika Pesakit Sedang Terkangkang? : Tindakan seorang doktor mengambil gambar ketika sedang merawat pesakit dikritik hebat oleh ramai netizen di media sosial.

Doktor SELFIE Ketika Pesakit Sedang Terkangkang?

Tindakan melampau itu mendapat kritikan kerana tiada perasaan sensitif oleh si pengambil gambar yang turut mengambil keadaan pesakit yang ketika itu sedang terkangkang.

Menurut info, gambar tersebut diambil di sebuah hospital di Johor Bharu.

Di dalam gambar itu, turut kelihatan seorang doktor yang sedang membuat peace. Gambar tersebut dimuat naik oleh seorang pengguna Facebook, Kak Long.
Utk menjaga privasi pesakit, posting sblm ni kak long dah delete. Now repost yg baru. Part yg x sepatutnye dah diblurkan.
Apa pun harap MOH ambik tindakan pd doctor ni!!!! Mmg kurang ajar!!!!
>>Dear Sir,
I am appalled by the level of stupidity and arrogance of your junior doctor in one of the government hospital in Johor Bahru. This picture was shown to me by one of my friend, apparently this mother is having some sort of obstetrics emergency, and instead of taking the matter seriously, they opted to take photo.
This kind of behaviour and inconsiderate action has deeply offended me and the people that I have shown the picture to. The most ridiculous part is, the whole private area is involved in the picture. I honestly don't see any sense of victorious contrary to her hand sign.
Please take this thing seriously and render the necessary punishments towards them, and salvage the already failing level of quality in the Malaysian doctors. I am sincerely considering of forwarding this picture to the main social media / major newspaper channels. I am quite sure they will be very much interested in investigating into the whole issue.
Worried and concerned Malaysians
Menerusi status tersebut, Kak Long Di Sini meminta agar pihak bertanggungjawab menghukum mereka yang terlibat mengambil gambar tersebut.

"Shamed on u Dr. U go home and just throw away ur qualification.", tulis Salina Nor di ruangan komen.

"Blajar tinggi tp takde sivik minded. Mcm ni ka???", tulis Suzy Ann Ana

Setakat ini, status itu telah dikongsikan sebanyak 400 kali dan menerima sebanyak 160 komen yang rata-rata mengkritik gambar itu.

Siakap Keli

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